Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Point: And Iran, Iran so far away, We Gotta Get Away...

The Bush admistration continued to find ways to divert attention away from the lagging economy this week, as Secretary of State Condoleeza (Six Shooter) Rice announced that "Force is not on the agenda; yet." Rice went on to say that this is a matter for the U.N. security council to investigate.

Like Whitesnake, here we go again. When is the madness going to stop? We don't even give excuses for war anymore. Before we went into Iraq, we made this big production about their link to Al-Qaida, and then used that as a segway (no, not the subsitute for a car) into the fact that they had WMD's. Turns out they didn't have them, or we just couldn't find them. THIS JUST IN...The United States also has WMDs!. Does that mean that other countries are demanding that the U.N. show up here, and order us to dismantle. What would happen if they did? Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (Our President and Vice President) would probably ride in and eliminate the problem. By this time next year, It'll probably be illegal to say that the President's wrong. Opposition, today. Free speech, tomorrow.

It is sad to admit that we live in a world that has nuclear weapons. It is even sadder that we need these nuclear weapons as a deterrent for crazy dictators like Saddam Hussein. We have no right to regulate what weapons other countries have; I can't think of anything more hypocritical. The U.N. needs to stop hiding in the corner, and relieve the U.S. of their role of the world's cop. Although our methods are ridding the world of bad guys, they are flawed and may very well catch up with us. I worry that countries like Iran and North Korea will start to live up to their crazy reputations.

The U.S. cannot afford another quagmire like Iraq; losing hearts, minds, and most importantly, American lives, is and never will be acceptable for a unsoliticied war. Furthermore, we are dealing with an administration that doesn't understand diplomacy. Hopefully the U.N. will realize that and step in; it's in everyone's best interest.

Especially ours.



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