Saturday, January 08, 2005

Response #2 to "A Lesser of Two Evils"

Chris - you summed it up nicely.  you have no faith in our executive branch nor
did our forefathers, hence the checks and balances structure of our
government.  religious ties were kept separately from government
because religion has nothing to do with government.  our constitutional
democracy has one purpose or at least it had one purpose when it was
originally devised, that is to protect our rights from being infringed
on by others. so basically if you want to worship jesus or the old
testament or sacrifice a goat it is really nobody's business certainly
not some bureaucrat's in washington.  as long as you don't interfere
with someone else's ability to worship you should be left in peace.

So on that we agree but Interestingly I think you missed a very
important point.  you finish with, "until we figure out a way to
actually give financial aid non-discriminately".  I would argue that
this is a practical impossibility and not what you really want.

The word discriminate is defined as... "to distinguish by noting
differences" so to give the aid non-discriminately the government would
have to give out equal amounts of cash to any group that requested it,
regardless of purpose,etc...

Since most people agree that this is not a reasonable thing to do they
accept that some group's requests must be turned down and that some
causes may be more noble or more dire, hence the need for
discrimination.  Herein lies the rub.  Since the it is the government
who makes these handouts and they must turn some groups down, they must
decide on a criteria by which they will discriminate.  In our
discussion this criteria has been defined as the betterment of the
community.  But how do they decide this? eventually it comes down to a
personal decision about which community, what will better it, and who
is in the best position to make that happen.  The people who make these
calls may be thousands of miles removed from you, they may have totally
different cultural backgrounds and belief systems and the kicker, they
are giving away your money.

one solution is to let you give your own money away, or not give it
away as you see fit.  I would much rather pick my own charities than
let some faceless committee decide what is important to me but hey that
is just me.

for the record I, no I don't believe forceful redistribution of wealth
is an effective solution to poverty.



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